Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Body massage newbury park

Deep tissue body massage Newbury Park, California often uses many of the same movements as classic Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense.
It is also a more focused type of body massage, as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or knots.

Your massage therapist will likely include a number of strokes as well as pressure point, trigger point or shiatsu work for deep release.
In Touch Spa offers the best Body Massage Newbury Park, California
Deep tissue body massage at Newbury Park, California is more intense and deep than a classic Swedish massage.

You should always feel free to speak up if the pressure is too much for you as it doesn’t have to hurt.
You are advised deep breathing as it helps to ease any discomfort and facilitates the healing process.
Many people prefer a deep tissue body massage Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, California to combat the effects of sports or an active lifestyle, though it’s not the only consideration.
It is advised to drink a lot of water after a deep tissue massage to help flush lactic acid out of the tissues. If you don’t, you might be sore the next day because of the lactic acid buildup in your muscles.

It’s possible that you might feel some soreness the day after a deep tissue massage even if you DO drink water. This just means a lot of waste products were flushed out of the muscles.

Benefits of a Body Massage Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, California

  1. Helps maintain the body in better condition through balance and homeostasis
  2. Restores mobility to muscle tissue
  3. Relieves tired, aching muscles
  4. Helps prevent injuries and counteract loss of mobility
  5. Boosts overall health and well being
  6. Body massage promotes a higher level of energy
  7. Provides release of muscle tension, aches and pains
  8. Promotes detoxification through waste removal

Massage spa thousand oaks California

In Touch Massage Spa in Thousand Oaks, California offers customized massage therapy which incorporates various modalities including Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Sports massage to address client needs.

Best Massage Spa Thousand Oaks, California

Swedish Massage is a soothing, flowing, relaxing massage. It is designed to reduce stress for overall relaxation by applying pressure to the muscles against the deeper muscles and bones. The therapist applies pressure in the same direction on the muscle, so the flow of blood returns to the heart. The goal is to aid the return of blood from the extremities, increase circulation, remove metabolic wastes, and stretch the ligaments and tendons in order to stimulate the nervous system and relax the body.

Deep Tissue Massage is a deep pressure massage designed to loosen muscle knots and reduce stress by breaking up muscle tightness, slowly working into the deep layers of muscle and to release congestion in the tissues. Deep tissue massage is not for everyone; discuss with your therapist whether it is an appropriate therapy for you.

Sports Massage is an active and vigorous massage. A sports massage will get the blood flowing, and prepare the muscles for athletic activity. The massage will both stimulate circulation and calm the body after exertion.